Ok, two posts in one day is almost too much, but we can't forget to introduce you to the sheep and llama!! Baboomba, Lulu and Gnija (from left to right) joined us in February because their owner was not able to take them with her while she relocates and she wanted to make sure they were well loved and cared for. Of course they will be!
Would you look at those sweet faces? Sara (on the left) and her pal Wilbur are looking for a soft spot to land and we're happy to oblige. Their owner is dealing with some significant health issues and is unable to care for them any longer. It breaks our heart that she has been forced to make this decision but we're glad to do what we can to make that easier on her.
And we need your support! Bringing more animals to the farm means more expenses so we'd greatly appreciate any help you can offer. One of these babes already has a sponsor but they have to come together so we really need another. You can learn more by clicking here. And if you can't make a monthly contribution, every little bit helps and we would be forever grateful for anything you can offer by clicking here. Stay tuned for news about these two and all the other residents!! So much is happening on the farm that we haven't taken the time to stop and bring you up to speed. Hopefully most of you follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram so you're at least getting brief updates about all that is going on; and if you're not, you should!!!
Since our last blog entry we have welcomed four more chickens, finished the Taj Mahal of chicken runs, and put up our "goatproof" fencing so that we can welcome smaller animals to the farm. We're anticipating the arrival of the first residents of this habitat - two sheep and a llama! We couldn't be more thrilled to offer safe haven to new and different kinds of animals. We've started offering monthly volunteer orientation sessions so if you're interested in learning more this is a great way to get an orientation, learn about the different tasks and of course meet and mingle with the animals. You can sign up for the February session here: signup.com/go/asXwzUK. As always, we rely on the support of folks like you to keep this little operation running. We've just launched our "sponsor an animal" program so if you're looking for a way to support the animals of Fawn Hills, check it out here: Sponsor an animal. If you have any questions or comments, please don't be shy. We love hearing from you! and the living is easy!!It is if you're one of residents who call Fawn Hills home!!
It has been a while since you've heard from us so we wanted to give you a quick update on things that have been happening. This spring we were very pleased to host students from the Lane Education Service District transitions program. This program gives students with disabilities opportunities to learn job skills and they came to check out potential jobs here on the farm. It was so inspiring to see how the animals and students interacting. One personal highlight for me was the sheer joy in one student's laugh as he felt the breath of one of the horses on his face. Click here for a glimpse of that day. We also hosted a small group of students from the Buena Vista Spanish Immersion School in Eugene. The students leanred a little about taking care of the horses, managing the land (including scooping poop!) and got some hands on time with the herd. It was a really fun day for all of us. Here are a few pix of our time with them. We have also welcomed our first chicken to the farm!! Gisele was a stray who needed a safe place to land and we were happy to step in for her. We had planned to build our coop and run this summer anyway so when we got the call from the folks who she found, we jumped into action and got her set up in a temporary spot until we can get that project completed. Another summer project will be making our small pastures suitable for smaller animals like goats, sheep, alpacas and even pigs. We got a small grant from The Binky Foundation to make the small animal and chicken habitat and will keep you posted on our progress. And if you're looking for a way to support us and have some fun at the same time, join us next Wednesday (July 12) from 5-8 at the Hop Valley Tasting room at 990 West 1st Ave. in Eugene for Hops that Help. During those hours, $1 from every pint they sell will come to us to help even more animals in need and provide more opportunities for visitations and care farming. That is enough for now. We do hope you'll be able to come for a visit some time this summer! Oh my goodness! How is it possible that we haven't done a blog post since June!?! That seems hard to fathom. So much has happened. Hopefully you've been keeping up with us on Facebook. If not, we encourage you to visit and like our page as that is the quickest way to update our supporters.
We've been having lots of visitors to the farm helping out with chores and giving our residents the love and attention they love. If you'd like to come out, drop us a note and we'll get you signed up. We're also doing more "care farming" so stay tuned for exciting info about our work with students and adults with disabilities and learn more about how the animal/human bond is benefiting all of us. Hello friends!! Thanks for visiting us here at our website! We hope you're learning a lot about our work, the resident animals, and our hopes for the future. Check back often as things are changing fast around here and we wouldn't want you to miss a thing!
And while we might prefer to be out at the barn hanging with Chaco, Nutmeg, and Pepper or working on our chicken coop or any number of projects, we really enjoy letting you know what's going on around the farm as well. This blog, along with our Facebook page, will be where we do that. You can subscribe to our RSS Feed so you never miss a single entry (we promise not to overwhelm you). Speaking of our Facebook page, if you haven't checked it out yet, please do. And be sure to like it while you're there. Go ahead and click here now if you'd like. As always, we love hearing from you so please use the comment feature below or send us an email to give us your thoughts. |
March 2018
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Fawn Hills Animal Sanctuary and Care Farm | around the farm |